🤔 Morning thoughts (December 16 - 22)
Every Sunday I share a quote and a reflection on it for each day of the week.
Themes of the week: Wisdom, Authenticity, Choice, Control, Judgment, Reactivity, Detachment
Sunday - December 22, 2024
"As it is, wisdom—true wisdom—which bears authenticity’s hallmark, is only found at the intersection of knowledge and experience."
Elaine Schallock Drenth, Beyond Rare
To be true to yourself you have to both know and walk the path yourself. Nobody trusts a man who hasn’t earned his wisdom.
Saturday - December 21, 2024
"Ever notice that sometimes when you care less about something, you do better at it?"
Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Peace of mind comes from knowing you’ve got everything you need inside you because you’ve been working on yourselr all this time. Everything on the outside is a mere want. You don’t need it.
Friday - December 20, 2024
"The ability to choose cannot be taken away or even given away—it can only be forgotten."
Mckeown, Greg, Essentialism
Remind yourself that your first action is always the choice of what and how to create. Choice is power and we all have it.
Thursday - December 19, 2024
"We cannot physically make events more predictable, but we can internally create a feeling of greater control by holding on to certain ideas and beliefs that give us a sense of consistency and order."
Robert Greene, The 50th Law
The way you intentionally shape your mind will be mirrored outwardly. Be selective in what you allow in.
Wednesday - December 18, 2024
"The best way to talk yourself out of feeling judged by others is to stop judging others. Lose that frame. When you judge others on a subjective scale of goodness and badness, you are buying into your own destruction"
Scott Adams, Reframe Your Brain
Leading by example starts with the example you give yourself. Lead yourself first.
Tuesday - December 17, 2024
"if you don’t know what triggers the old behaviour, you’ll never change it because you’ll already be doing it before you know it."
Michael Bungay Stanier, The Coaching Habit
There’s only one reason why you’d want to become more reactive: to reactively recognize when you enter an automatic thought pattern that doesn’t serve you so you can snap out of it.
Monday - December 16, 2024
"The power we wield is the power to walk away."
Blair Enns, The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
When you don’t need anything you don’t need the energy that comes with it. You signal to yourself that you have what it takes. That’s when you can finally move to what you want.