🤔 Morning thoughts (December 2 - 8)
Every Sunday I share a quote and a reflection on it for each day of the week.
Themes of the week: Reality, Confidence, Transformation, Courage, Balance, Action, Self-Mastery
Sunday - December 8, 2024
"Rather than argue with reality, learn the rules so you can shape it to your wishes"
Dan Sullivan, 10x Is Easier Than 2x
Most people think reality is what they get when in truth they have the ability to shape it. But that requires learning how the world works, in a series of systems and relationships that are not so apparent unless we investigate them with curiosity, openness and honesty.
Saturday - December 7, 2024
"The greatest spur to creating ideas is confidence, specifically the confidence in your ability to make magic."
John Hegarty, Hegarty on Advertising
Only by doing the work you can get the confidence to produce your vision. Whether it’s analytical, strategic or creative work, knowing you’ve already done it and taking the same familiar steps turns intention into reality.
Friday - December 6, 2024
"I would rather have tried and failed, in most cases, than have taken the safer course that so often appears to be wiser in the abstract."
Felix Dennis, How to Get Rich
Dare to walk to unseen and unheard of path. The reward in learning and self mastery far outweighs any possible outcome.
Thursday - December 5, 2024
"To be effective in the world, we must find a balance between looking honestly at the most painful truths and contradictions in our lives and engaging in the world with hope and positive energy."
Jim Loehr, The Power of Full Engagement
Without hope and the energy to keep it going you won’t be able to be objective about what works and what doesn’t in your life. There’s no point in getting after what you want if you can’t create the full picture. Thing is, no one will do that for you. It’s a cycle you need to sustain. Hope -> energy -> clarity -> hope…
Wednesday -December 4, 2024
"The proven reality is that most people will change their desires, even their values, before they will change their behavior."
Blair Enns, The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
When you can take action to change your mindset, you naturally separate yourself from most people who’d rather wait an idyllic future when they’re ready and comfortable before taking the first step.
Tuesday - December 3, 2024
"Most of us know that alchemy was on one level the attempt to make gold from common materials. On that level it was doomed to fail. But what most of us don’t realize is that alchemy was also a spiritual technique for helping the alchemists themselves achieve insight, self-awareness, and personal transformation—that is, initiation into greater maturity."
Robert Moore, Doug Gillette, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
The most powerful insight you’ll ever gain is that what you want your world to look like, should be manifested in yourself first. True gold is within you. It’s an inside-out process that requires focus, patience, deliberate practice and experimentation.
Monday - December 2, 2024
"We must live boldly! We must go through life as though we possessed what we want to possess. Do not think that because you helped another, someone outside of you saw your good works and will give you something to ease your burden. There is no one to do it for you."
Neville Goddard
Your intention and your deliberate action are statements for the type of life you want to live. Declare yourself to be the person you admire and put in the work to become it.