🤔 Morning thoughts (December 9 - 15)
Every Sunday I share a quote and a reflection on it for each day of the week.
Themes of the week: Purpose, Responsibility, Clarity, Focus, Transformation, Potential, Discipline
Sunday - December 15, 2024
"If we lack a strong sense of purpose we cannot hold our ground when we are challenged by life’s inevitable storms."
Jim Loehr, The Power of Full Engagement
You don’t connect with your purpose by dreaming about your future. You do it by finding the day-to-day work you need to do yo become the person you admire. In a way we never “lack” our purpose, we just haven’t worked on it enough.
Saturday - December 14, 2024
"It’s not effort that matters, but where that effort is directed. Whatever you focus on and commit to, you become the master of."
Dan Sullivan, 10x Is Easier Than 2x
Aiming your energy at a specific target is more important than how much energy you throw at it. When you can see clearly, energy flows and commitment is ensues.
Friday - December 13, 2024
"Taking responsibility for your own fate is not a burden, but an act of freedom."
Vadim Zeland, Reality Transerfing. Steps I-V
Accepting that no one else but you can shape your reality, is the first step to finding the clarity you need. The second is reframing that from responsibility to power.
Thursday - December 12, 2024
"The true nature of our ground state and that of the universe is that it is a field of all possibilities"
Deepak Chopra, Creating Affluence
Whatever you’re looking for has potential to be created. But you have to commit and work to uncover it. Don’t let society tell you otherwise.
Wednesday - December 11, 2024
"Your personality can be altered and shaped by your conscious decision to do so."
Robert Greene, The 50th Law
When you take full control of your mindset, who you are is defined by your vision and values. No external influence can affect your internal state. Alignment grants freedom.
Tuesday - December 10, 2024
"Do not take the problem onboard so that it occupies your inner space. Be empty to the problem."
Vadim Zeland, Reality Transerfing. Steps I-V
Carrying your preoccupations wherever you go, with whomever you interact, is a sign you’re placing excessive importance on yourself. The ego craves self importance and feeds off of it. To get clarity, starve the ego. Most people don’t have the ruthlessness required.
Monday - December 9, 2024
"The professional has learned better. He respects Resistance. He knows if he caves in today, no matter how plausible the pretext, he’ll be twice as likely to cave in tomorrow."
Steven Pressfield, The War of Art
Craving and aversion are like pendulums. The more you swing one way the more you’ll swing the other. Learn this to be proactive in your creation.