Negative Capability is humility.
One of my mentors always says “the work instils the worth”.
I’ve just received great feedback from a client on some work I’ve done. They’re stoked.
And while my constant imposter syndrome looms, these moments give me confidence - and boost my ego, too.
These moments have value, but are also dangerous.
It’s in these moments, between the stimulus and the response, that we have to be able to stop, check in with ourselves, and make one simple, but difficult decision…
We have to get back to work.
Psychiatrist Phil Stutz says that “Pain, uncertainty, and constant work” are three aspects of life that we cannot eliminate.
Turns out that they’re most often the gateways to something bigger and better. To growth.
If you want to keep growing, to be resilient and yes — more confident — you have to embrace the fact that the work is never finished.
So next time you’re proud of yourself, sure, celebrate, acknowledge how far you’ve come…
….but then get back to work.
Negative Capability is being able to tune in to this humility, when it seems like we least need it.